Highly recommended personal web pages/anthologies are listed first. Recommended poetry posting boards are directly underneath. If any links are no longer active, please post that fact in my guestbook, found on my homepage and on my poetry index pages. Sometimes poets close their sites or move them and I don't know about it.
NOTE: I now keep up to date with new links to websites or blogs on my own blog at Songs To A Midnight Sky.
A.D. Winans website A.D. Winans
Passage through August Jon Bohrn
Out of the Mouth of Babes Judi Goldberg
Aircake and Rock Candy Judi Goldberg
Kostas Interpoetry Website (replaces the Greek International Poetry Website}
Lynette Arden Art and Poetry
Poetry by Michael Stephens
International War Veterans Poetry Archives
You are the only person who can see the information on this sign. This is what your computer presents to anyone on the internet. A different person signing on will see only his/her own information in the box. To learn more about these signatures (which I found from a tech) click HERE
The work of many gifted contemporary artists graces the Collaborations Section of my site. Links to their web sites are at the bottom of the pages including their art. I highly recommend a visit to their sites if you want to see excellent paintings, sketches and photography!
Non-poetry/art sites I enjoy or find useful
'O'siya My Friends (turn on sound)
NASA Photographs
Click HERE for some resource pages.
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