Visual Poetry Six
(click to enlarge)

My tulip haiga
redtulips_haiga.jpg (95368 bytes)              tuliiphaiga2.jpg (48242 bytes)

deadtulip_haiga.jpg (57859 bytes)                 pris30_tulipshaiga2.jpg (70321 bytes)

                 recessover_haigalaryhelp.jpg (36357 bytes)
  Published in Sketchbook December 2007

                     My Beach Series
beachseries_babycrab_haiga.jpg (125538 bytes)                beachseries_oldgulls3_haiga.jpg (110109 bytes)
The above two accepted for Simply Haiku Feb 2008

                      beachseries_wavescurl_haiga9.jpg (156199 bytes)

                       pagelandcountryhouse4_haigspoleout.jpg (102805 bytes)
      Published in La Luciole December 2007 

      Three versions of Vacation Bible School!vacationbibleschool3_haiga.jpg (83427 bytes)                  vacationbibleschool4_haiga.jpg (83184 bytes)

                       vacationbibleschool_haiga.jpg (86138 bytes)

  spendthenight_revision3haiga.jpg (33601 bytes)               yardarm5_haiga.jpg (139240 bytes)

anchorage_sunsethaiga3.jpg (53536 bytes)
Above Haiga accepted for Simply Haiku Feb 2008

 beachgoodbye4_haiga.jpg (135509 bytes)                 beachbird4_haiga.jpg (121959 bytes)
Above left accepted for Simply Haiku Feb 2008


kites4_haiga.jpg (105946 bytes)                   sunrise2_haiga.jpg (92300 bytes)


smoke4_haiga.jpg (131465 bytes)                    angel_haigaborder.jpg (41071 bytes)
                                Published La Luciole Dec2007

parrot4_haiga.jpg (111461 bytes)                    angel_haiga3border.jpg (41897 bytes)
                                         alternative haiku here

                       thor_haiga_2.jpg (142300 bytes)
Dawn Bruce generously helped me with the effects


                      Self-portrait haiga or graphics
         birdpris.jpg (27072 bytes)             prisinred3_haigar.jpg (70877 bytes)

                        predancejitters2_haiga.jpg (77330 bytes)

  multiplepris_haiga.jpg (42221 bytes)                  prisboston_weaversmoon.jpg (71759 bytes)                             See the html version of the second one  HERE

                    The Salad Series
PagelandXmas80s_saladpris.jpg (79422 bytes)                    PagelandXmas80s_saladpris_distortion2.jpg (60618 bytes)

PagelandXmas80s_saladpris_blur.jpg (55308 bytes)                       PagelandXmas80s_saladpris_wrap.jpg (85157 bytes)

See six of my self portrait haiga published in the mid-season issue of Haigaonline HERE. Tale the time to look around while there. These will be posted when the next issue comes out.

          When Mini-Skirts Ruled The World

               stlouis_prisLEGScrop_effects.jpg (86582 bytes)

flowerchild_haiga.jpg (67266 bytes)                       easter_haiga.jpg (135125 bytes)

ghost_tanka.jpg (152452 bytes)                     hair3_haiga.jpg (117206 bytes)
this one done with a tanka and published La Luciole

The following three haiga are in  The Oregon Literary Review 2007, along with one on another page. These haiga also appear elsewhere on my graphic pages.

daisies4.jpg (76324 bytes)                      strangeflower6.jpg (65955 bytes)


lampbed.jpg (56965 bytes)                    awakeblcwhite_laryblur_haigachop.jpg (98767 bytes)


flower_3haiga.jpg (48292 bytes)                  eye_haiga2.jpg (23716 bytes)        

The Homeless/Great Depression Series below:

homeless_haiga.jpg (77678 bytes)                    homelessbench_haigachop.jpg (90399 bytes)
Published in Moonset-Fall2007

outofwork_2blkwhite_haiga.jpg (46980 bytes)                         quarternightshift_haiga.jpg (49410 bytes)


lunch_blkwhitehaigachop.jpg (81207 bytes)

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