Golden Rain

            for S.A. Griffin

Van Gogh's jukebox falls on its side,
a headstone in the graveyard 
for men who have cared too much.
Its songs bleed like the heart
of an abandoned dog into the fading sky.
Sunflowers bend with saddened kisses,
tears falling like golden rain
for the crazy man who cut--
no slashed--off his earlobe, sacrificed flesh 
in a gesture of love, while

Jesus-fawning men of the cloth
and politicians with mouths 
yet unwashed by soap fondle young boys
then muzzle their songs 
in confessional closets 
or bombs bursting in air 
never wanted to be there
only way back dead 
old men's wars.

Pris Campbell

Art: Sunflowers by Van Gogh

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