Ode to the Hyment

A dime-sized flap of skin.
Insignificant in appearance.
Rarely seen by the non-gynecological eye.

My own hymen,
the elusive target
of a wave roving and bored
lifeguard's claim to Warhol's
fifteen seconds of fame, his

sea-shriveled john thomas
to be painted-
multiple soup cans-
onto the scrolls
of deflowered walls
for eternity.

A virgin never forgets!
he told me. He was right,
I don't think
he knows about
his yet to-be-hung
epitaph at MOMA.

Pris Campbell
© 2002

Photograph: Modification of Old
Maryland Cemetery  Headstone 
by Kit Wilson of NZ

Music: Blowing in the Wind by Bob Dylan

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