
I strip my breasts bare,
Almafi seas shimmering at bikini line,
knowing they watch,
these tourists with sunburned noses
who have never seen a proud breast,
who have only fondled flesh
imprisoned by bedrooms
or car seats
and no longer remember suckling their mother.
They snap me with
Pentax cameras
and think of their album
of cheap thrills
to offer the neighbors
when I am bronze against blue
on a plastic covered page
to touch late into the night.
Pris Campbell
Published in MiPo Quarterly December 2002
(This poem took second place at the Salty Poetry Board
of the Month Challenge. September , 2002. and also took third in a MiPo based contest, judged by the
President of the South Florida Association of Poets,
October, 2002.)
Art: Tangled Up In by Marques
Marques Vickers is a California Artist who has
previously appeared
on my pages. His art is vibrant, wild, and exciting. A visit to
his site
is a must!
Music: Septicondio, original music by David
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